No preservatives, coatings, binders, colorings, flavorings, or any additives. Pure Chlorella tablets have been specially processed to have cracked cell walls for high, easy absorption. No irradiation or chemical processing is involved.
100% pure chlorella in tablet form.
5000 tablets.
200 mg per tablet.
1kg /2.2 lb economical pack.
The 2500 tablets and 5000 tablets are in packs and are the most economical.
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Known As The Best Chlorella
An acupuncturist with over 25 years experience in both Japan and the USA suggested this brand to me, and I've used it for over 5 years.
My chlorella
I would like to highly rate chlorella tablets for they are so nutritious. They are also good for the kids and they do like their taste too. I have tried many kinds of algae and chlorella but nothing was as good as this brand. I recommend chlorella to all people from all ages. Best, Amal Bader